There are plenty of part-time jobs for students in Guuatemala. Students have the opportunity to earn while they learn in Guatemala. This will be ideal for students who need some extra cash for spending in case they are out of budget and to help cover other expenses. Some part time jobs in Guatemala include:
- retention agents- students can work as retention agents for companies in gUtemala. The job requires a minimum of 1 year of call center experience in retentions, higher level of written/spoken English, Ability to work under pressure, good communication skills, High-speed internet, and student’s Own Computer.
- Sales agents- students in guatemala can work as freelance sales agents for varius companies including marketing, cosmetics, and fashion companies. Students who work freelance can work at their own pace. This enables them to navigate between their studies and the job.
- On-line Work- students in guatemala can do online projects an online typing that can earn them money. This is one of the mosy popular and easier jobs to do. They can also conduct online research and paid surveys for companies.
- Waiters- guatemala has a number of restaurants, and hotels that hire extra stuff to help especially during peak seasons. Student can take this opportunity to apply for such jobs and make an extra buck in the process.
- Shop assistants- students in Guatemala can work as shop assistants. They get to interact with customers while arranging and sorting their orders.
- English tutor- English tutoring is the most popular job for international students. There are many people who pay money to get to learn proper English communication and written language.
For companies interested in working with RocApply
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