Study in Cuba
Do you march just to the beat of your own drum? Want a unique, interesting, and cutting-edge study abroad experience that only a few others have had? Then Cuba might just be your perfect study abroad destination. With over 20,000 international students per year choosing Cuba, many of them drawn by its top-notch medical courses, this country has become an international sensation to many aspirants.
Cuba is globally known for its focus on higher education, and its universities provide an excellent education for affordable prices. The Cuban government also provides universal free healthcare, yet another factor contributing to Cuba’s lucrativeness as a study abroad destination. On the other end, Cuba boasts a diverse cultural mix as a result of historical Spanish and African influences, and its colorful culture can be seen in its bustling capital city Havana.
Havana’s historic city center has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, and its numerous old forts and museums offer a chance to learn about its rich and characterful history. You can immerse yourself in modern Cuban culture in the exuberant nightlife found in its big cities, or in its many music festivals - if you are a jazz lover, you will find plenty of music to your taste here.
A vibrant, lively, and culturally rich place, Cuba is closely a perfect destination to learn Spanish but also to be immersed in a world that seems to be frozen in time. Cuba’s 60 public universities have flourished in repute over the past several decades' thanks to a strong commitment to education shared by the government and its people.
Five of its top universities earned places in QS University’s 2016 ranking of the top universities in Latin America, which considers factors including academic reputation; employer reputation; faculty/student ratio; citations per paper; international research network; the proportion of staff with PhDs; and web impact when determining rankings.
But do not let the antique cars fool you – Cuba is on the precipice, about to leap forward into a modern world and you can be part of it all by studying abroad in Cuba. All you have to do is utilise our RocApply interface that offers free services to secure you a vacancy in universities of your choice. Start applying NOW!

About Cuba
The Caribbean island of Cuba is a mysterious and interesting place to study abroad! Since Cuba reopened its doors to the U.S. in the 1990s, thousands of students have chosen to study abroad in Cuba. Those who aspire to study abroad in Cuba will find that the native people, Cubanos, are very proud of their country and welcoming to visitors, and the nation’s sub-tropical climate makes studying in Cuba a wonderful choice year-round.
Throw your preconceived notions out the window and see for yourself what Cuba has to offer! Once an important trading port and often attacked by pirates, Havana, the capital has many old forts, which give the city a certain medieval charm. Once a valuable Spanish colony, Cuba is now one of the most popular cultural and tourist destinations in Southern America.
After gaining independence in the year 1902, Cuba was a little piece of heaven for tourists up until the Cold War. During that time, many Cubans migrated to the US, since the two countries are separated only by 146 kilometers of water. The most famous here is the “El Morro Fortress”, which is a beautiful six-story building guarding the entrance to Havana Bay.
Today, the capital is mostly famous for promoting arts, hosting numerous international arts and music festivals each year, including the Havana International Jazz Festival, International Havana Ballet Festival, Havana International Film Festival, etc. Today, tourists to Cuba are captivated by the vibrancy and variety of both the cultural and natural attractions, from magnificent architecture to exuberant live music, and rugged mountains to paradisiacal white sandy beaches.
The capital, Havana, was once the third-largest city in the Americas and was named the “Key to the New World” in recognition of its importance inside the European colonies. Cuba has expanse habitats, from mountain forests to jungles and grasslands. There are even small deserts, too! These different ecosystems are habitats to unique plants and animals, some of which are not found anywhere else on Earth.
Many interesting creatures shelter in Cuba’s thick forests. Most famous is the bee hummingbird, also known as the smallest bird in the world. Did you know that the adult bee hummingbirds grow to only five centimeters long?! The world’s smallest frog lives in Cuba, too – the Mount Iberia frog, with a body only one centimeter long. How’s that for teeny-tiny? Some things are best seen in self, start your application today with us and explore Cuba’s finest artifacts and monuments in person.
About Cuba Economy
Cuba heavily depends on its natural resources to pull its economy. Despite its small size, the country is rich in natural resources. Nickel is highly important for the country also happens to be its leading natural resource. Cobalt is also abundant on the island, making Cuba one of the highest producers and exporters of both nickel and cobalt on the globe.
Cuba also has offshore oil and natural gas reserves, mostly in the northern part of the island. Sugarcane has been Cuba’s main crop for over 300 years. Furthermore, agriculture represents 3.9% of GDP and employs 18.2% of the population. Its main productions are still sugar and sugar cane (12.5 billion tons of sugar cane are produced every year), which take up a third of the cultivated land. Tobacco is the country’s second-largest export crop. Other agricultural products here include citrus, coffee, rice, potatoes, beans, bananas, cotton, and livestock.
In Cuba industry represents 25.1% of GDP and employs 16.8% of the population. It focuses on agricultural products, production of cement, textiles, tobacco, and agricultural machinery. The main sector of activity in Cuba is the services sector, which represents 73.5% of GDP and employs 65.2% of the active population. Its significance is strongly related to the development of tourism, which spears the service sector alongside retail.
Cuban life expectancy is close to what you would expect in North America and Western Europe. That means levels of education here are good. It means there is access to basic, quality healthcare. It does not mean that you can have a banquet every day, but that basic nutritional needs are met. There are opportunities for sports also. These are the kinds of things that contribute to the well-being and that require lots of effective institutional arrangements albeit.
When you put all these pieces together around education and health care, it is clear that Cuba is likely a champion of investment in the development of human capital—but for the last 50 years, it has an extremely low economic return on this investment. If you invest in human capital, whether in your company or in your country, sooner or than later it will pay off if you have the right set of incentives.
So how does Cuba make money? Its current principal source of income is the export of healthcare services by means of sending physicians, nurses, and healthcare technicians to countries like Venezuela and Brazil—an item that it has yet to record in its published official statistics. Cuba’s major resource to engage in the world is no longer sugar cane. It has tourism—beach and sun and one of the communist world’s last Jurassic political systems—but the real asset is the brains of its people.
Why Study in Cuba
Spanish Language
Popular with International Students
Easy Process
Cuban scholarships are one of the hardest to find. There are only a few selected scholarship providers who are allowed into the island. The main goal of these programs is to put students in areas that many other students do not get the chance to do.
In view of this, the Cuba governments, universities, and institutions provide Cuba scholarships for international students, national students, and students who are citizens of Cuba mostly. Here we have 2020 scholarships designed to encourage and support students financially in pursuing their academic goals.
Cuba Student Visa
Before you study in Cuba as an international student, you will need a student visa. Also, you need a passport that is valid for at least a period of 6 months from the date of entry.
Three months before you arrive, you’ll be asked to supply your chosen university with: your full name, address, passport number, expiration date, date and place of birth, name of father and mother, the planned residence time in Cuba, planned date of arrival in Cuba.
However if your total stay, including any vacation time, will exceed four weeks, when you arrive at your destination the Faculty will change your tourist card to a student visa, please take note of this. The conversion to a student visa costs 40 CUCs ($37.58) for four weeks. An extension for a longer period costs 25 CUCs ($24.05).