
Student Life in Chad

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Students in Chad can take part in a variety of activities and events throughout the year which highlight the diversity of the student body, entertains them, keep them fit, and help students to transition well into university life in general.

Activities focus on wellness, learning, success, fitness, entertainment, leadership, student transition, and engagement with other students or society.  There are several activities or on-campus and off-campus activities that students in Chad can take part in.

Site seeing- there are several places to see in Chad including the Tibetsi mountains, Lake Chad, the national museum, and the Ouniaga Lakes. Students in Chad can take time out to see enjoy the beautiful Chadian landscape and majestic sites. This is very helpful in getting students to familiarise themselves with the various places in the country.

Night clubs, movies, and going out there are several clubs that students can go to unwind after a busy week of study. They can also have a laid back time at the movies to relax on a weekend and have fun at the same time.

Musical shows- Some universities can invite musicians to entertain students on special occasions once in a while.

Team-building exercises- team-building exercises are used to encourage unity and ones among students. These include obstacle courses and other team-building challenges that can help students to work together while they have fun at the same time. It gives them some sense of belonging through interaction with other local and international students.

Student Organisations – there are several student organizations formed by students or created by the university that brings together students with common passion and interests and represent the students on various issues. It enables students to meet other students and pursue a similar passion. These give students a centered approach that helps them develop their identities, build relationships, and promote social change. Students are represented in matters that affect them directly and indirectly. 

Social Clubs/ fraternities- universities in chad have social clubs to promote engagement, cohesion, and unity among students. These are good for international students as they enable them to interact with other students and give a sense of belonging.



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